Hello everyone, by mistake I gave stop and remove to the docker container of discourse and when trying to launch again, when trying / launcher start I get the following error:
"Your Docker installation is not using a supported storage driver. If we were to proceed you may have a broken install.
aufs is the recommended storage driver, although zfs / btrfs / overlay and overlay2 may work as well.
Other storage drivers are known to be problematic.
You can tell what filesystem you are using by running “docker info” and looking at the ‘Storage Driver’ line.
If you wish to continue anyway using your existing unsupported storage driver,
read the source code of launcher and figure out how to bypass this check."
I recommend you re-install docker with a supported driver. What is the output of docker info
At a minimum to get back running git pull && ./launcher rebuild app should get you back and running as long as your using one of the supported engines.
No, the database and other content is stored outside docker containers. Containers can be safely rebuilt at any time (though it will cause brief downtime for your site if running).
Hi Sam, try this, but I cannot upload the service again, the base image does not run again, I am attaching plesk image and the docker ps command:
aa5a18a5467b 0c04b35ef09a "/ sbin / boot" 9 days ago Up 2 minutes>80/tcp,>443/tcp app