Strings that could use a singular/plural differentiation for optimal translation


I’m creating this subject after having translated a few strings that could benefit from being defined as having differentiated singular and plural forms, so as to avoid readability issues, such as the display of a bunch parentheses to handle both forms (for example: “Marquer le(s) nouveau(x) sujet(s) comme lu(s) (%{count})”). Not only does this look funny, but it will hinder usability for users with reading disorders such as dyslexia. Perhaps this subject thread can be re-used if similar situations arise later.

Strings with differentiated singular in plural forms appear like this in the Crowdin translation system:

Crowdin Plural Form UI Example

Tied to the feature announced by @martin a few days ago (Selective dismissal of New and Unread topics), strings:

  • js.topics.bulk.dismiss_read_with_selected
  • js.topics.bulk.dismiss_button_with_selected and
  • js.topics.bulk.dismiss_new_with_selected

could all benefit from being defined as having differentiated singular and plural forms. Would a developer be so kind as to handle this change?


Interesting, we usually do not pluralize strings with (%count) in it, but I guess it makes sense to do it in same cases / always?

The other strings should have been pluralized. I’ll take care of these. cc @martin


Here’s a new one: js.badges.favorite_count ("%{count}/%{max} badges marked as favorite)"