Support reversed lists in posts by not stripping the "reversed" attribute from HTML


Markdown doesn’t provide a native way to format “reverse lists”, i.e. those that start with a high number and count down from there. They regularly get requested in our community as they’d be quite useful for count-down-style lists of favourite things, for example.

I noticed that it’s possible to define lists in simple HTML, and some attributes like start are supported and allow starting a list at a higher number:

  1. Cheese
  2. Bread
  3. Milk
<ol start=3>
<li> Cheese
<li> Bread
<li> Milk

However unfortunately, the reversed attribute doesn’t seem to be supported and is stripped out from the final post’s HTML. If it was supported, the code snippet below would result in a list counting down from 3 to 1:

<ol reversed>
<li> Cheese
<li> Bread
<li> Milk
  1. Cheese
  2. Bread
  3. Milk

It’d be great if this attribute could be white-listed so that we can offer our users a way to create reversed lists in our forum!


Generally we are happy with allow listing by default very low risk attributes. ol[reversed] and ol[type] seems very low risk.

Very easy started task, PR welcome.


Created a PR for this.