Suspension Time Frames Incorrect

It appears here that all of these days should actually be in a month, that would make all of these date [Month] 11th since it is February 11. If I want to suspend for exactly a month, I have to instead go to the calendar and select. Is there a way to change this so it would be exactly a month away?


I re-categorized this to the UX category. I don’t think that it’s technically a bug. Your point is a good one though. I notice that when I select a time frame for a bookmark, the Next Month option returns March 11 (for today), instead of returning March 1 for next month as is shown in the suspend modal.


Is there anyway the developers are able to change it so it runs off the same system as the bookmarks in regards for dates?


Maybe, let’s ask @martin next week to take a peek.


This is a little bit tricky because I made a new component for bookmarks and topic timers to use, which has time presets slightly different to these dropdown components. I will take a look and see if I can somehow make just the time part consistent between the two. We don’t want the big list design that is in the bookmark/timer modal in places like this (I don’t think).


Turns out that recently we accidentally introduced a new behaviour of date-pickers on:

  • the bookmark modal
  • the topic timers modal

In fact, all other date-pickers always choose the first day of the next month when picking the Next Month option. This is the default behaviour. The ability to choose a day exactly in one month from today is important too, but it isn’t among our defaults, so the calendar should be used for doing this.

So we won’t change the behaviour of the suspension modal, moreover, we returned the pickers on the bookmark modal and the topic timer modal to our defaults in this PR:

See also: