Weirdness in dates when setting timeout for an invite link

You have to look at the original intent, which was Google GMail:

I think we kinda lost sight of the goal somewhere along the way, but you can see this is very “next time interval” oriented, as in:

  • When the next day starts (tomorrow)
  • In the middle of the coming week
  • When the weekend starts
  • When the next week starts

That was always my intent, and I tried to be quite clear about this, but I think we played a game of “telephone” and stuff got garbled in translation along the way, somehow… here’s my original post from November 2019…

Note that, again, it’s the same focus:

  • Later in the day (basically, when evening begins, or “when the work day ends”)
  • When the next day starts (tomorrow)
  • When the next week starts

And then you have your arbitrary times, which is fine to have, but that’s never been the primary focus of this dialog… it’s fine to include arbitrary times as an extra, but “an arbitrary 5 days from this particular date” isn’t as immediately useful as “when/until the next week begins”, “when/until the next month begins”, “when/until the work day ends and the evening begins”, “when/until the next month begins”, “when/until the weekend begins”, and so on…

So coming back to invites, the logic should be the same:

I think we lost our way a bit on this feature. Should be OK with some adjustments though… all the tools are there.