Swap sides: category and latest list on homepage

Is it simple to swap the sides of the category and the latest columns on a Discourse homepage? See screenshot.

By moving “latest” to the left, it should then also show up first on mobile. (instead of having to scroll past the category list)

I’m not able to find any thread or plugin with this. Any tips or links?


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Try customizing your theme with this CSS:

.categories-and-latest div.column.categories,
.categories-and-top div.column.categories {
    margin-left: 2em;
    margin-right: 0 !important;
    order: 1;


Marking this solved because it does accomplish the swap of sides. Thanks. :pray:


…since the change, “latest” does not show anywhere on mobile anymore. Is that the expected behavior?

I was expecting latest first, followed by category afterward.

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