Synch topic across forums

Maybe this is just hopeful dreaming, but wouldn’t it be cool if two communities that both have a discourse forum could have a shared topic that is automatically synced between both forums so they can discuss a collaboration effort or similar together without everybody having to create an account to the other forum?


Oh @eviltrout and I have talked about this a few times over the past 5 years, I really like the idea, but it is pretty complex to get right, would have to be a plugin.

A lot of the mechanics are already in place. Staged users, web hooks. So this is now far more straightforward than it ever was.


Thanks for the answer. :slight_smile:
So does that mean there is a realistic chance that this will be a core-plugin within the next… well less than another 5 years, or does that mean I’d have to ask someone in the marketplace to develop this plugin and pay them?

If you want it within any kind of predictable time frame then marketplace is definitely the place to go. That said, doing this in a non-hacky, future-proof way would easily cost in the tens of thousands.


And if you can’t set up a trust relationship between the two forums, you end up with Remote Attestation problems (not a solvable problem, despite what Intel’s marketing department is saying)…

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Ok, that rules that out. I think I’ll rather be patient. :slight_smile: