Table shadow on hover shouldn't appear when we can't edit the table

An image showing a forum with different topics and the number of replies for each topic. (Captioned by AI)

I believe the shadow on hover was introduced with table-builder, emphasizing that we could interact and edit the hovered table.

But the shadow remains for no reason on posts we don’t have the capability to edit tables.

It gives me the false impression that I’m able to edit the table when I can’t :sweat_smile:

The shadow doesn’t appear on mobile.

You can see the effect here :point_down:

Item Description Quirk
Banana Phone A fruity communication device Never stops ringing
Couch Potato Stationary tuber Stuck on autopilot
Quantum Cat Exists in all rooms simultaneously Schrödinger’s pet
Alarm Clock Morning monster Snooze resistant
Jellyfish Hat Wobbly headwear Drips occasionally

Nice catch, putting pr-welcome on this one.


One minor detail is that we also want the hover effect if the table is too wide and can be expanded, I’ve covered this here: