Telegram Integration with our Site

Hi All,

Can somebody help me with “Telegram” integration for our existing Discourse site?

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Have you tried to Set up Telegram notifications using the discourse-chat-integration plugin?


I have but it spams the group even with the bot’s group privacy enabled.

Hi guys,

I’ve created a bot - copied the access token and pasted in the chat integration plugin too.

Now when I go to telegram getting a message like:

This chat isn’t setup on greytHR Community. Ask an administrator to add a channel with ‘Chat ID’ 16941513XX.

What should I do next?

Did you follow all the instructions under ‘adding a channel’?


Yup. I did the bot pushes messages to channels.

But channel not able to reply… so that the reply gets posted back to Discourse

Replies are not supported - it’s a one-way integration

But the video shows replies getting posted back to Discourse site?

Ah I see, you are using the unofficial notifications plugin, not the ‘chat-integration’ plugin? The “Ask an administrator to add a channel with” message you shared above looks like the chat-integration plugin :thinking:

If you really are using the notifications plugin:

Are you replying directly to the messages in telegram? (on iOS, long press on the message, then click reply)

Are you trying to use the notifications bot in a group chat/channel? That is unlikely to work.

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We have a business plan with Discourse and I use “Chat Integration” inside my Admin → Plugins and got the connections done.

My users are not comfortable with Desktop / website based forum, so need to bring this in Telegram and make it easy for them to read and reply

Ok, there are two separate plugins here, which is confusing.

discourse-telegram-notifications is an unofficial plugin, and not available on our managed hosting. It is designed to be used to send users their personal notifications via telegram, and does allow basic responses. It does not work in telegram groups/channels. This is likely the video you saw.

discourse-chat-integration is an official plugin, which is available on our managed hosting. It’s designed to be used to send new posts/topics on Discourse to a telegram group/channel. Replies are not supported.


Ohhhh. Got it.

I wanted this setup “discourse-telegram-notifications” in my site. Can you help me?

We can have a business deal.

I’m afraid the plugins on our standard and business plans cannot be customized. You can find info on the different plans at Discourse pricing | Discourse - Civilized Discussion

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So it cannot be done :frowning: