The ability to post answers anonymously


Can we configure the forum to allow posting answers anonymously for questions posted by admin?

And also to prevent publishing of answers for non-approved ones “by admin”?

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Anonymous mode might be useful for this. For details about how it works, see: Enabling and Using Anonymous Mode. If this is for a site that’s on our hosting, get in touch with our support team if you would like us to enable anonymous mode for you.

With anonymous mode enabled, to only allow anonymous users to reply to questions that have been created by an admin, you’ll need to configure a category so that its security settings allow admins to Create / Reply / See and allow the ‘everyone’ group to Reply / See. For details about how to set this up, have a look at How to use category security settings to create private categories.

Enabling anonymous mode might not achieve everything that you are wanting to do. For example, anonymous users would be able to post in other categories on your forum. It would be possible to prevent this by using custom groups and category security settings, but it could take some work on your part to set it up.


AFAIK you can create a group matching on the email domain for the anonymous users, and only give them reply rights to particular categories?

Create a new group, after creation go back into ‘Manage’ and under ‘Membership’ there’s an ‘Automatic’ section. That top field reads ‘Users who register with an email domain that exactly matches one in this list will be automatically added to this group:’ where you would specify Anonymous users are created as distinct identities with email addresses which match that pattern.

Then use that group in any category where you want to allow anonymous posting. Remember that the everyone permission will apply to them too, so if you don’t want anon users posting outside you may need to make your other categories more restrictive.


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