I used the standard install many months ago. I do use an nginx reverse proxy, note that it has been running w/o issue since August.
I did not run discourse-setup ( well 5 seconds got away once and it started to run the setup script but I kllled it and restored from a snapshot., I did run ./launcher rebuild app.
Yes: “that runs immediately, automatically on login?” As soon as I logon and sudo su
to root, it runs automatically,
I don’t use Digital Ocean.
I just looked at the .bashrc file for root, last line is:
Let me see what that does. If it has not been there all along, note that I did not add it.
cd /var/discourse
if ./discourse-setup; then
echo "Discourse is now installed. Log into your admin account in a browser to continue"
echo "configuring Discourse."
cp -f /etc/skel/.bashrc /root/.bashrc
echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "The setup script failed with the provided Discourse details."
echo "It will rerun. Please address the above issues."
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "When you are ready, press Enter"
echo "To cancel setup, press Ctrl+C and this script will be rerun on your next login"
read wait
Hostinger hosts the vm. Let me remove that line, and try to logon and su again, I have no idea how that got into the .bashrc file, I certainly did not manually add it.
Yes, that corrects the issue, it never dawned on me that a rc file would be modified like that, so it never dawned on me to check. Thanks guys for your help, it is much appreciated!
After commening that line in the bashrc:
cd /var/discourse
if ./discourse-setup; then echo 'found it'; else echo 'not found'; fi
returns: not found
To me it is odd it found it at all, ever.
However, if I now run (like 15 minutes later) ls -al ./discourse-setup
returns: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 28715 Dec 23 23:24 ./discourse-setup
If I run if ./discourse-setup; then echo 'found it'; else echo 'not found'; fi
now, runs the issue I was having: ...Stopping existing container in 5 seconds or Control-C to cancel
I removed the comment, logged in again and ran sudo su
, and it wanted to start the install process, but it did not create the discourse-setup script, so how does the discourse-setup get created?
How is the discourse-setup
script getting created, and can I manually delete it? If I rename it, I do not see it re-created on login, with or without the /opt/hostinger/scripts/discourse_conf.sh line in the root .bashrc.
Note that I never saw:
echo "The setup script failed with the provided Discourse details."
echo "It will rerun. Please address the above issues."
It cleared the screen, and t only comments I saw were:
The configuration file containers/app.yml already exists!
Saving old file as app.yml.2024-12-25-193919.bak
Stopping existing container in 5 seconds or Control-C to cancel.
diff ./.bashrc /etc/skel/.bashrc
< # /opt/hostinger/scripts/discourse_conf.sh
No idea how that line got into the .bashrc file, and the text I see on issue is not what is described in the /opt/hostinger/scripts/discourse_conf.sh file, but the issue seems to have gone away.
I also note that when I now run ./launcher rebuild app, or reboot the vm, I got a 502 error if i try to access the website too quickly, it takes like a minute for the website to be available. I don’t recall that in the past, but I may never have tried to immediately access the website. Any thoughts on that?