So…our Discourse server was spun up a few years ago by [we have no clue]. It is hosted on a Docker container. For all intents and purposes, it works. However, email is set to a deprecated address. I was unable to find any “Containers” folder or “app . yml” file in / var / www / discourse but was able to find “discourse . conf” in / var / www / discourse / config, which looks exactly like the “app . yml” file:
hostname = 'discourse . domain . com'
smtp_user_name = 'serviceUser @ domain . com'
smtp_address = 'smtp . gmail . com'
db_socket = '/ var / run / postgresql'
developer_emails = 'serviceUser @ domain . com'
smtp_port = '587'
smtp_password = 'pwd'
db_host = ''
db_port = ''
smtp_enable_start_tls = 'true'
force_https = 'true'
I updated the username, developer email, and password and attempted to run the command: . / launcher rebuild app. I received an error message: “bash: . / launcher: No such file or directory.” Of course, the email change did not take affect and discourse . domain . com / admin / emails still had the old information.
However, I ran updates, which rebuilt the app and suddenly the email change had taken affect. But…the success was short-lived because I rebooted the machine, which went to the old config with the old email info.
I thought I would be smart and make the changes again, commit the running instance to a new local Docker image, stop the running instance, and run the new image. That did not work because the / etc / runit / folder / anacron script errors out with “can’t chdir to / var / spool / anacron”. So…I am back to square one and ready to pull out the TNT.
- Has anyone heard of a missing . / launcher or “Containers” folder and if so, what did you do to fix the issue?
- Am I better off rebuilding the whole thing and if so, can you point me to the KB with instructions on building a new discourse server and uploading backed up data?
Please let me know what further information you may need and thank you in advance.
D. Lasa