The engine "yarn" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "please-use-pnpm". Got "1.22.19"

After getting a notification that an update was available, I jumped into the web interface as normal and hit the update button.

In classic discourse style, the installation has now self-destructed and I can’t seem to get the images built again to run.

I’m running separate data and web images, all via docker.

My manual rebuild script that normally fixes this is:

./launcher bootstrap discourse-web && ./launcher destroy discourse-web && ./launcher start discourse-web

When running this, it explodes with:

I, [2025-02-05T01:12:54.160568 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && gem install bundler --conservative -v $(awk '/BUNDLED WITH/ { getline; gsub(/ /,""); print $0 }' Gemfile.lock)
I, [2025-02-05T01:12:55.503875 #1]  INFO -- : Successfully installed bundler-2.5.18
1 gem installed

I, [2025-02-05T01:12:55.503987 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && find /var/www/discourse ! -user discourse -exec chown discourse {} \+
I, [2025-02-05T01:12:56.681293 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2025-02-05T01:12:56.681583 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && if [ "beta" != "tests-passed" ]; then
  rm -rf app/assets/javascripts/node_modules
I, [2025-02-05T01:12:56.685171 #1]  INFO -- : 
I, [2025-02-05T01:12:56.685238 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn cache clean'
error discourse@: The engine "yarn" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "please-use-pnpm". Got "1.22.19"
warning discourse@: The engine "pnpm" appears to be invalid.
error Found incompatible module.
I, [2025-02-05T01:12:57.086009 #1]  INFO -- : yarn install v1.22.19
info No lockfile found.
[1/5] Validating package.json...
info Visit for documentation about this command.

Pups::ExecError: cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn cache clean' failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 202 exit 1>
Location of failure: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/pups-1.2.1/lib/pups/exec_command.rb:132:in `spawn'
exec failed with the params {"cd"=>"$home", "hook"=>"yarn", "cmd"=>["if [ \"$version\" != \"tests-passed\" ]; then\n  rm -rf app/assets/javascripts/node_modules\nfi", "su discourse -c 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn cache clean'"]}
bootstrap failed with exit code 1
** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one.
./discourse-doctor may help diagnose the problem.

I don’t seem to find any matches to this error, and any kind of reset / pull of the discourse-base image doesn’t seem to make any difference - it all dies here.

Is there a way to get things back up and running again?

1 Like

For the record, it seems like the update in discourse/base:2.0.20250129-0720 seemed to fix this.

Hey @CRCinAU, I am relatively new to discourse. Can you give me a little more information as to where we need to update the change?

Thank you.

You should make sure that you’re pulling the latest copy of discourse_docker in /var/discourse as well. The ./launcher rebuild command used in the standard install takes care of that automatically. But if you’re using a custom script, you’ll need to do it yourself.

Are you seeing the same error? If so, please let us know what steps you’re following, and what error you’re seeing

Yep - I had to do a git pull in /var/discourse/

The rebuild for me didn’t seem to do a git pull, so it was still using the old builders etc.