The Missing Public Profiles Mystery [Animated Avatars]

Good Evening, All.

Message (21680 copies reported)

Job exception: undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass


/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-ai/lib/modules/embeddings/strategies/truncation.rb:33:in `topic_information'
/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-ai/lib/modules/embeddings/strategies/truncation.rb:42:in `topic_truncation'
/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-ai/lib/modules/embeddings/strategies/truncation.rb:18:in `prepare_text_from'
/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-ai/lib/modules/embeddings/vector_representations/base.rb:39:in `generate_topic_representation_from'
/var/www/discourse/plugins/discourse-ai/lib/modules/embeddings/jobs/regular/generate_embeddings.rb:18:in `execute'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/base.rb:292:in `block (2 levels) in perform'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rails_multisite-5.0.0/lib/rails_multisite/connection_management.rb:82:in `with_connection'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/base.rb:279:in `block in perform'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/base.rb:275:in `each'
/var/www/discourse/app/jobs/base.rb:275:in `perform'

I’m having a problem where public profiles are not visible to anyone. The dashboard is completely missing. The main error log I’m seeing is the one I’ve attached. I’ve already disabled the discourse AI, but the issue still persists. I’ve also tried safe mode and it works fine, so I’m not sure what could be causing the problem.

I think it sounds more like it could be a theme component. When you tried safe mode did you try narrowing it down to just:

Also, were there any errors in the browser console when you tried to access those pages/user cards?


I have to admit i didnt narrow down, just selected all. But it is’nt the theme component its the “unofficial client-side plugin customization”

All happened after a two day update, so will have to go through the plugin.

Unavailable to do this as using phone and tablet.


Ahh. Shoot and a miss. :slight_smile: At least we narrowed it down a little. If you can list all your non-official plugins we may be able to spot a known issue and save you some time?

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Theses are the three i have on the forum.

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Non are throwing any errors in the logs. Only one i cannot disable is discourse-animated-avatars. Other been disabled and same issue.

I think animated avatars has had a couple of people mention it can affect the user pages if it does have a problem. The last ones were reported a couple of months back though, and nothing new recently:

Installing it on my test site, I’m seeing this error when trying to access a user page:

Uncaught TypeError: e is undefined
    getConnectors plugin-outlet.js:138
    _join index.ts:646
    join index.ts:362
    Ember 3
    l manager.js:746
    getConnectors plugin-outlet.js:138
    _join index.ts:646
    join index.ts:362
    Ember 3
    l manager.js:746
    tag reference.js:131
    track validator.js:657
    d reference.js:130
    d runtime.js:1648
    tag reference.js:131
    track validator.js:657
    d reference.js:130
    Yt Ember
    tag reference.js:131
    track validator.js:657
    d reference.js:130
    Yt Ember
    tag reference.js:131
    track validator.js:657
    d reference.js:130
    createIteratorRef reference.js:306
    tag reference.js:131
    track validator.js:657
    d reference.js:130
    <anonymous> runtime.js:3437
    evaluate runtime.js:1052
    evaluateSyscall runtime.js:4258
    evaluateInner runtime.js:4229
    evaluateOuter runtime.js:4222
    next runtime.js:5053
    _execute runtime.js:5040
    execute runtime.js:5033
    sync runtime.js:5100
    Ember 2
    Nt runtime.js:4134
    Ember 3
    invoke queue.ts:201
    flush queue.ts:98
    flush deferred-action-queues.ts:75
    _end index.ts:616
    end index.ts:298
    _run index.ts:667
    _join index.ts:640
    join index.ts:362
    Ember 2
    _resizeObserver site-header.js:342
    (Async: ResizeObserverCallback)
    didInsertElement site-header.js:337
    r Ember
    didInsertElement plugin-api.js:1668
    Ember 6
    commit runtime.js:4019
    commit runtime.js:4116
    Nt runtime.js:4136
    Ember 3
    invoke queue.ts:201
    flush queue.ts:98
    flush deferred-action-queues.ts:75
    _end index.ts:616
    end index.ts:298
    _run index.ts:667
    _join index.ts:640
    join index.ts:362
    Ember 2
    _resizeObserver site-header.js:342
    (Async: ResizeObserverCallback)
    didInsertElement site-header.js:337
    r Ember
    didInsertElement plugin-api.js:1668
    Ember 6
    commit runtime.js:4019
    commit runtime.js:4116
    Nt runtime.js:4136
    Ember 3
    invoke queue.ts:201
    flush queue.ts:98
    flush deferred-action-queues.ts:75
    _end index.ts:616
    end index.ts:298
    _run index.ts:667
    _join index.ts:640
    join index.ts:362
    Ember 2
    _resizeObserver site-header.js:342
    (Async: ResizeObserverCallback)
    didInsertElement site-header.js:337
    r Ember
    didInsertElement plugin-api.js:1668
    r Ember

Thankyou for this! I’ve had the pluging for 21 days and only happened in the last 24hours maybe sooner. So hopefully there is a fix?


I’ve added a post to the plugin topic so hopefully there will be. :crossed_fingers:


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