The notification bar could not load

I found that my notification bar could not load normally. I tried to migrate to a new server, but the problem still could not be solved. I tried to change another account again, but still could not open the notification bar normally.
The maximum number of notifications is set to 100.


I wonder if this is a queue problem or what’s going on?

Are any errors showing up in the Javascript console? They might show an error when the client attempts to load notifications that will help find the problem.

Are you using the same hosting provider?

I found in the console that the request is ok and the data is returned, but why is it not displayed?

Do you mean domain name or service provider?

Service provider, yes.

Are there any Javascript errors?

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I don’t see any errors, but there’s nothing in the subsequent request.

You need to check the Console tab, not the Network tab.


I’m sorry I forgot.

Are those all the errors you see? Nothing else besides these for this page load?

To rule out browser extension or theming interference, can you try in an incognito window and with safe mode on?


This happens when you install the follow plugin and removes it afterwards before cleaning up the notifications table.

Run Notification.where(notification_type: [800,801,802]).limit(10000).destroy_all in a rails console until it works again.


Yes, I turned on safe mode.

I tried to enter the console to run the command, but the console reported an error that the command was not available.> Notification.where(notification_type: [800,801,802]).limit(10000).destroy_all
error:(error) ERR unknown command Notification.where(notification_type:, with args beginning with: [800,801,802]).limit(10000).destroy_all,

That’s the redis console not the rails console.

Thanks for your help. Let me summarize how to deal with it.

  1. Go to the Rails console

rails c

  1. On the console, run the following command:

Notification.where(notification_type: [800,801,802]).limit(10000).destroy_all

  1. You’ll see data related to your forum content displayed in the SSH console, and you can press Enter for more information until the end
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