The options to allow personal messages and allow personal messages from specific users should be available for TL0

if a user does not want to recieve private messages from other users, he needs to deactivate

But this option is not available for TL0. Users need TL1 for this option.

Same with

But why? It does not make sense, that completely new users cannot use this options.

For example, female users (who have a female user name, so you can recognize that they are female) who are afraid of getting d*ck pix via private message or something, it might be useful deactivating recieving of private messages.

I think, TL0 users (who may be spam bots or trolls) do not have an “advantage” for better trolling or spamming in being able to disallow private Messages.

Unless you change the default setting of the personal message enabled groups TL0 users don’t have access to the PM system so the options are hidden.

If you changed that setting to allow trust_level_0 to use the PM system and the options are missing then that would seem more like a bug. :slight_smile:

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But, as I have tested:

I have created a TL 1 user who sent a PM to a TL 0 user. This TL 0 user recieved the PM and could read it (and send answer), although he should not have access to PM system.

So currently TL 0 must have to be able to receive and read PMs although they have no access to it.

So these options should be accessible to TL 0 user no matter if they are in personal message enabled groups.

But they have an advantage of a simpler user interface. So for the first 10 minutes of reading some features are hidden.

Is sending such images to other users as a welcome message is allowed in that community? Then why do I join it, if I don’t want that? If that is not allowed, why do I need to prevent others from doing that? Then it should be the job of the moderators to handle that.

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It is not allowed. Maybe some stupid idiots ignore the rules and send the PMs. The shy TL 0 user who received the PM is scared and leaves the board in panic without informing the mods/admins.

Or maybe a harmless example:
A normal male user (which behaves correct) wants to contact a female user to make a meeting in real life, but in a respectful way. In this respectful way it is allowed. (“Hello dear, are you interested in meeting me in London? Please tell me if it is OK”)

Some female users have no problems, some other don’t want that (although it is respectful). These other female users who don’t want that,
use the board just to discuss the public topics without using PMs
thats why they joined to board.

So it might be useful, that every user can decide by its own choice if he/she wants to receive PMs already at TL 0.
It is confusing not to see this options.

In my board that was the case: A new user wanted disable PMs to prevent to receive invitations to personal meetings already at TL 0 but this user had the problem not seing the options.

(In another board - not a discourse board - she had the problems that a lot of men contacted her via PM trying to meet her in real life. Then she just leaved this board in panic without informing admins. I want to prevent this problem in my board because she writes good postings and maybe other female users with the same problem, too)

This board has barefoot living as topic. In the board the topic is treated in normal way (“healthy lifestyle”), but this topic is also interesting for (stealthy) foot fetishists who are interested in meeting barefoot girls.