Hello, making some changes in the text of my forum I found that STAFF is translated as “PERSONAL” in Spanish, but the word “PERSONAL” is also used within the system, which can create a lot of confusion.
An example is that the default category in English called “STAFF” is for administrators only, but at least at first it confused me and I thought it was a category “for personal use” or something like that, anyway.
I suggest you don’t translate it as “PERSONAL” and just leave it as “STAFF” , or “ADMINSTRADORES”.
On the other hand, the search for words is impossible for me since “PERSONAL” gives me more than 50 results, a pagination in that section would be good.
As a spanish native that i am, “staff” is not confusing at all and it has never been, where does the “for personal use” meaning come from?
EDIT: okey i understood, it’s translated as “PERSONAL” for spanish. I do find it confusing now
Igual hablo español nativamente, al principio cuando recién instalé el foro, vi la categoría “PERSONAL” y pensé que era un apartado personal - valga la redundancia-, pero al leer la descripción me doy cuenta que es realmente un apartado para administradores , también en el apartado de usuarios aparece “PERSONAL” como traducción de “STAFF”, esta palabra me fue imposible cambiarla en el apartado de “TEXTOS” dentro de la administración, debido a que me aparecen mas de 50 resultados y no permite ver mas de dichos resultados, por ello también sugerí lo de paginar los resultados.
I still speak Spanish natively, at first when I just installed the forum, I saw the “PERSONAL” category and I thought it was a personal section -forgive the redundancy-, but when reading the description I realize that it is really a section for admins, also in the users section appears “PERSONAL” as a translation of “STAFF”, this word was impossible for me to change in the “TEXTS” section within the administration, because more than 50 results appear and it does not allow me to see more of said results , which is why I also suggested paginating the results.
I think that field is groups.default_names.staff
if you’d like to rename it for your site in the short term?
(To speed up the change being reflected throughout the menus, etc you may need to run Jobs::EnsureDbConsistency
from your /sidekiq/scheduler
page )
Hello, sorry for the late reply, I’ve been busy setting up the forum.
It is not the field to be able to edit the text, I have not been able to find it, since the “Personal” text gives me more than 40 results, I really do not know why the results are not paginated, it would be a good option since it would allow me to find the required text as in my case.
My apologies, I misread this before. If it’s the #staff
category name\slug you wish to change rather than the Staff group you can do that from the category wrench.
I’m not sure how many of the ‘staff’ labels are visible to non-staff users, so you may be able to amend a couple and wait to see if the translation can be changed at the source?
I had to change this translation too . Its strictly correct, but in the context of a forum it totally gets confused with the meaning of the word “personal” in the english sense. It’s not confusing when you see it in a physical place, like an hotel or a restaurant, but it’s not appropriate for a forum. As the OP stated, the word “administrador/es” is ubiquitously used in the spanish speaking world for this kind of use.