Theme (component) that makes user profile more blog-like

Hi, I tried to look for a theme, maybe theme components, that present users home page more like a blog, i.e, highlight the list of user posts (with previews), use a tab or side bar to present other information such replies, badges, user interaction with others.

Overall, I trie to use discourse to provide more of a group-blogging experience. Appreciate if you may have a pointer. thanks!

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Follow-up questions: is a customized user-profile page more suitable as a theme-component that could work together with other themes ?

I can look into the customization if no similar effort is available .

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Yes, that makes sense.

If you are looking into more of a

instead of a community discussion software, maybe try more specialized software like ?


Thanks for the suggestion! I did look into Forem. It is also great.

The customization I was looking into 1) rely more on tags for content organization 2) post book/series 3) blog-like user-profile are all built-in by Forem.

But I choose to go with discourse for the maturity, plugins/themes and the awesome community! Hopefully I’ll soon pick up enough ruby/rails/ember to make meaningful contributions.