There is no reply/save edit/save wiki button on the full screen composer

After composing a few messages in full screen, I exactly felt the same way as what has been described here and in the other topic (link in the 2nd message of this topic. Maybe merge the 2 topics ?): The buttons feel “missing” in full screen. I had no idea (I didn’t figure it out or see it by hovering over the “reply” button) I could use Ctrl + enter until I read it from @codinghorror .

I’ve read and understood everything @Johani said, but wouldn’t it be possible to display an error when clicking the “reply” button in these cases ? Or maybe just show the title and tags fields only at that moment with the error, but not show them by default ? (that would allow to correct the error while staying in full screen, and they wouldn’t appear at all in most cases, like it’s wanted)

Also, the reason put forward seems only valid for topic creation (=the very first post of a new topic), and seems irrelevant for all the replies (=far more common statistically) as there is no title or tags then.

It’s definitely not very important, but having these buttons would be great in term of UX.