Tick badge for username?

I wonder if Discourse source code has a checkbox for username like other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter? I searched for this question before posting but couldn’t find it?

I think it’s a necessary feature for a good source code like this!

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I have no idea what you’re taking about.

Can you explain exactly how such a checkbox would be described and what it would change?

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That is the tick function for username in the Discourse source code.

Are you asking about the checkbox or check icon to show if a username is free to create new account with?

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blue tick badge like Facebook for the username of that discourse source code

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That looks like this badge verify thing:

That has this requirement to qualify: Notable: Represent a well-known, often searched person, brand or entity. We review Pages and profiles that are featured in multiple news sources, and we don’t consider paid or promotional content as sources for review.

With discourse there is this option that you can apply for, not sure if this is useful for what you are seeking answer about:

Eligibility Criteria

We know creators are not created equally, so we split the criteria or requirements to apply across the different creator groups.

  1. Software creators (GitHub, GitLab): 10+ contributors
  2. Video creators (YouTube, Twitch and other video platforms): 5k subscribers
  3. Audio creators (Podcasters, Musicians): 1k (monthly listens/downloads)
  4. Funded creators (Patreon, Substack, OpenCollective, … ): $50 monthly patronage/funding

Alongside these, other criteria are:

  • Your project has a clear need for discussions (see FAQ below)
  • Please understand that approval is ultimately at our discretion as we work out the details of this program.
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You can use flairs to accomplish this. Just like how on this meta forum, the Discourse staff have a special flair on their avatar with the Discourse logo.


For a twitter-like experience you’d be able to accomplish this with the subscriptions plugin:

You can configure it so users who subscribe are added to a specific group, and then configure that group so members receive a user flair.

If you don’t want a payment component, you can skip the subscriptions plugin and use a group for users you consider verified.


We manage this in our community by creating a badge called “Verified Account” and issuing the badge (and setting it as their Title) to the accounts we have verified.

This is what our community members see:

I’d love to be able to display the tick icon next to it as well :blush:


You could make a group, then you could set the icon as their flair:

And then just add anyone to that group who is “verified”.


Do you have a discourse instance setup you can enable the flair badges for they are talking about?

What is different about discourse is individual instances aren’t controlled by the bosses of the platform itself, which is the case with fb/x.

To show that user accounts on an individual discourse site are legitimate, you would also need to prove the site itself is legitimate somehow.

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Thanks to you and your friends for your detailed support.


just use an image of a check mark as a group flair. I have a theme component that will let you size it to however you want too

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