I have a new install of Discourse. It is giving the correct time stamps to the posts.
I also WP-discourse-shortcodes to grab a list of topics for my WP pages. But when the discourse topics show up on WP, they all have the timestamp of 1970/01/01.
I’m not sure why it is doing that or how to fix it. I have a webhook enables for the “latest” shortcode.
It has to do with the time format that is being returned from your server. I can fix that this weekend. I’ll let you know when the plugin has been updated.
The plugin has been updated. You can download it from GitHub here: https://github.com/scossar/wp-discourse-shortcodes. The update should fix the problem with the dates all displaying as 1970/01/01. Let me know if it doesn’t.
Recent changes to the Discourse Groups routes have broken the discourse_groups shortcode for sites that are on the latest version of Discourse. The fix for that is fairly simple. I’ll update the plugin again later this weekend.
Edit: the plugin caches the HTML that it creates from the Discourse content. You can get fresh content by clicking the Update button on any post or page that has a discourse_topics shortcode on it.