Time to first response by group members

It’s not. Honestly, I’m not sure how it ever worked. I’ll post an updated version soon and ping you to let you know it’s ready.

Edit: @IreneT
Here’s a fixed version of the original query. I’d ignore that query and look at the other queries I’ve posted in this reply instead. Let me know if you have any questions about the queries, or if you run into any issues adding the required parameters to the queries. From testing today, I’m finding that I have to refresh the page after saving a Data Explorer query in order for the parameter input fields to show up below the query. (That may just be a quirk on my local development site.)

-- [params]
-- int :months_ago = 1

WITH query_period AS (
date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) - INTERVAL ':months_ago months' as period_start,
date_trunc('month', CURRENT_DATE) - INTERVAL ':months_ago months' + INTERVAL '1 month' - INTERVAL '1 second' as period_end
staff_responses AS (
DISTINCT ON (p.topic_id)
EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM (p.created_at - t.created_at)) AS response_time
FROM posts p
JOIN topics t
ON t.id = p.topic_id
AND t.category_id = ANY ('{46,25,43,40,44,35,22,7,20,17,6,12}'::int[])
JOIN users u
ON u.id = p.user_id
WHERE p.post_number > 1
AND u.admin = 't' OR u.moderator = 't'
ORDER BY p.topic_id, p.created_at
user_topics AS (
FROM topics t
JOIN users u
ON u.id = t.user_id
WHERE u.admin = 'f' AND u.moderator = 'f'

AVG(sr.response_time) AS "Average First Response Time",
COUNT(1) AS "Topics Responded to"
FROM staff_responses sr
JOIN query_period qp
ON sr.created_at >= qp.period_start
AND sr.created_at <= qp.period_end
JOIN user_topics t
ON t.id = sr.topic_id
GROUP BY sr.category_id

What was changed was:

--DATE_TRUNC('minute', p.created_at - t.created_at) AS response_time
EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM (p.created_at - t.created_at)) AS response_time

I’d be surprised if I wrote the old query without testing it. In any case, the updated version works as expected now.

From memory, this query was written for a specific site and not intended to be posted on Meta. Here are a couple more useful queries for getting information about staff response times:

Time to first group response for topics created within a given time period

Returns the time to first response by a member of a given group to “regular” (not Personal Message) topics created by a user who is not a member of the given group. The query’s :group_name parameter is set to “staff” by default. With that value, it will give the time to first response by staff members. You can change the value of that parameter to get response times for different groups. For example “customer_support”.

Note that dates should technically be supplied in the form yyyy-mm-dd, but the query would also accept dates in the form dd-mm-yyyy.

-- [params]
-- date :start_date
-- date :end_date
-- string :group_name = staff

WITH group_response_times AS (
        t.id AS topic_id,
        EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM (p.created_at - t.created_at)) AS response_time_minutes,
        p.user_id AS staff_user_id,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY t.id ORDER BY p.created_at) AS row_num
    FROM posts p
    JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id
    WHERE t.user_id NOT IN (SELECT user_id
                                FROM group_users gu JOIN groups g ON g.id = gu.group_id
                                WHERE gu.user_id > 0 AND g.name = :group_name)
        AND p.user_id IN (SELECT user_id
                              FROM group_users gu JOIN groups g ON g.id = gu.group_id
                              WHERE gu.user_id > 0 AND g.name = :group_name)
        AND t.archetype = 'regular'
        AND t.deleted_at IS NULL
        AND p.post_type = 1
        AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
        AND t.created_at BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date

FROM group_response_times
WHERE row_num = 1
ORDER BY category_id, response_time_minutes

Average time to first group response per category:

Uses the same logic as the previous query, but returns the average time to the first response by members of the given group per category for topics created by users who are not members of the given group within the time period set by the :start_date and :end_date parameters. As with the previous query, if the :group_name parameter is left at its default value of “staff”, it will return the average staff first response times for regular topics created by non-staff users.

-- [params]
-- date :start_date
-- date :end_date
-- string :group_name = staff

WITH group_response_times AS (
        t.id AS topic_id,
        EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM (p.created_at - t.created_at)) AS response_time_minutes,
        p.user_id AS staff_user_id,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY t.id ORDER BY p.created_at) AS row_num
    FROM posts p
    JOIN topics t ON t.id = p.topic_id
    WHERE t.user_id NOT IN (SELECT user_id
                                FROM group_users gu JOIN groups g ON g.id = gu.group_id
                                WHERE gu.user_id > 0 AND g.name = :group_name)
        AND p.user_id IN (SELECT user_id
                              FROM group_users gu JOIN groups g ON g.id = gu.group_id
                              WHERE gu.user_id > 0 AND g.name = :group_name)
        AND t.archetype = 'regular'
        AND t.deleted_at IS NULL
        AND p.post_type = 1
        AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
        AND t.created_at BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date

    AVG (response_time_minutes) AS average_response_time_minutes,
    COUNT(*) AS num_topics_with_staff_responses
FROM group_response_times
WHERE row_num = 1
GROUP BY category_id

@JammyDodger, maybe replace the query in the OP with the last two queries in this post. Also, probably update the title to something like “Time to first response by group members.”