Tips for "newbie" born in Discourse in September 2024

I’ve been thinking a lot about confidence levels in Discourse and how effective they are for learning. But I wanted to make the most of it here. What tips do you guys have for someone who wants to do a great job of leveling up? What advice would you give to a “newbie”? I’ve read some old threads, but I’d like some new ideas… Born September 2024 :wink: :wink:

I don’t think you have to do anything special. The requirements are based on activities you do anyway when you use a forum (read posts, like posts, write posts, and receive likes, because others appreciate what you have written). One important fact is that the requirements can be different at different forums.


Hey Camila :smiley:

I think the whole idea is that its a natural process of progression which helps ensure quality over quantity and prevent spam etc. As Moin said, they may vary on a site-by-site basis to prevent what one might call trust level farming.

The requirements aren’t too arduous its mainly reading, posting and liking posts. In short, engage with the community.


Thank you very much for the interaction. Some people are shy and end up interacting little. I’m happy to talk to someone here. Great job. :fox_face:

@ondrej :wink:

I have been learning and I have found interacting with the platform fun. I hope to have more and more interaction, conversations and projects. Let’s continue the journey, my friends.


Except maintaining TL3 which somehow has got a little (imho) ridiculous.

But I digress.


Hi @uniVERSO_CaJu - Welcome :wave:

Are you sure you are on the right forum?

This one, Meta, is a tech support forum for the Discourse software platform and hosting. Lots of other forums use our software and services, so it is possible you have been sent here via a link meant for another specific forum.

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what is it? TL3?

thank you

Hello again :smile:

TL3 is shorthand for Trust Level 3 which is called ‘Regular’


Hi @Lilly Thank you for your kind reply.

Thank you for your kind reply.

Maybe I’m in the wrong place…
I really don’t know. I was sent here and I’m following the system’s requests. Maybe that’s why I’m a little lost.


Thank you :kissing_heart:

ohhh yes! thank you

Were you on an existing Discourse forum? Perhaps there is the best place to start?


Here? Read a lot, post something every now and then, and like when it is suitable.

On my forum, the story is different, because I’m using only TL1 and 2 for ordinary users.

So it depends on if and how an admin changes those metrics. Honestly… it doesn’t matter. There can be some perks, like rights to use AI, but I claim that most users in any forum don’t use too many things that higher TL offers.


hi! I’m just on this forum

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What brought you here? You say

Who sent you here?

Usually, people join because they want to create their own forum with Discourse or they are part of a community that uses Discourse.

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They said further up that:

Perhaps they took a link system sent in a TL promotion message as an instruction to join here?

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I thought so too. But then you are usually part of another forum

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@system here? Or something else?

I had originally assumed they came here from another forum, but Moin pointed out that they said this is the only forum they’re on, so that rules it out completely.

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