To @ or not to @

Can you elaborate?

My point here is that the ability to anonymise is not satisfied when i use your name Jakke Lehtonen instead of @Jagster .

Recital 26 defines anonymous information, as ‘…information which does not relate to an identified or identifiable natural person or to personal data rendered anonymous in such a manner that the data subject is not or no longer identifiable’.
The GDPR does not apply to anonymised information.

Anonymisation and Pseudonymisation | Data Protection - UCL – University College London.

However, now you can be identified because the non tagged version of your name is not (currently) handled during the anonymisation process. I.e. your account, even if annonymised, can now be identified as yours because i used your full name instead of the tag. In public forum, perhaps there is more doubt, but in a company that has a registered list of employees and deep personal contact, i know exactly who owned certain “anonymised” accounts because their name is used without the @ mention.

Could you explain how gdpr is still satisfied in spite of this so I can see where my misunderstanding is?

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