Topic List Previews (legacy)

Thank you, I do much prefer the plugin since it offers a bit more customization per category than the theme component.


When we change the width/height for thumbnails, it says we have to rebake posts. Iā€™m using rake posts:rebake.

Iā€™m just wondering if there a command whichI can rebake posts that only have thumbnails or do I have rebake every post each time I change the thumbnail size or even rebake all posts in a specific category?

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Use CSS on mobile (eg max-width: see a few posts back)

On desktop use the height and width plugin settings.

Thumbnail resolution is taken care of by the resolution level plugin setting. This is not the same as size.

Rebake sets up the thumbnails in discourse. If youā€™ve done this once you donā€™t need to do it again. Ever. Unless the available resolution levels are changed in the plugin (unlikely)

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Iā€™m changing the height and width in the plugin settings for desktop. I made it as small as 3px to see if it would change anything. Then rebaked posts, but no change in thumbnail size.


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Donā€™t use px just the number.

Apologies the rebake advice there is out of date!

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Iā€™m afraid even just using the number does nothing after I apply it.

Iā€™m trying to basically reduce the thumbnail size here: Decks - Duelists Unite

It hasnā€™t changed regardless of the number I put.

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How about 50 for width and leave the second blank? Working for me.

btw, for Tiles layout, both are irrelevant (width determined by browser window and number of columns, height determined by aspect ratio of image).

Also note these settings only take effect when viewing ONLY that category.

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Hmm, maybe thatā€™s why it doesnā€™t change. Iā€™m using Tiles layout. Iā€™m only viewing this category. I changed the width to 20 and left height blank. No change.

I do think I can just add some more transparent pixels on my thumbnail image to shrink it. That might work.

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Yeah these settings make no sense for Tiles. Tiles automatically switches from 3 to 2 to 1 columns as you reduce the browser/device width. The thumbnails take up the full width (minus slight padding) of the columns. Makes no sense to shrink them - it would look terrible.

I designed Tiles after many prototypes to limit max number of columns to 3 as any more is very hard to follow on a computer screen.

The settings exist to help you tailor the non-tiles view so you can determine how much width the thumbnails take up in your list.

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So the only way to have smaller ā€œtilesā€ is via CSS Iā€™m assuming?

You can have a go, but it wouldnā€™t be supported. You are likely to hit issues with too much meta getting crushed.

4 columns is quite hard to read I found. I remember a user of one of my sites complaining there was more than 1 column! lol

That said, hereā€™s the default CSS, I trust you can work out the pattern. Fill your boots!:

  .tiles-grid-item {
    // 1 column on very thin views
    width: 100%;
    // 2 columns on medium widths
    @media screen and (min-width: 501px) and (max-width: 800px) {
      width: calc((100% - 6px)/2);
    // 3 columns when there is room
    @media screen and (min-width: 801px) {
      width: calc((100% - 12px)/3);

Hey @merefield,
Do you recommend using the theme component for a production website? Do you still consider it experimental?

If I uninstall the plugin and install the theme component, will my thumbnails be preserved?
If no, is there a way to do a smooth transition between the plugin and the theme component?


The data source shouldnā€™t be affected. Switch between the two at will.

The Theme Component is faster but the Tiles mode relies on a renderer that bugs out on Chrome if you scroll down past ~10 desktop-sized pages (extremely unlikely on mobile!). The related Chrome issue still hasnā€™t been closed. This is the only reason itā€™s still marked as ā€˜experimentalā€™.

On the plus side the Theme Componentā€™s Tiles mode can handle side bars, the pluginā€™s canā€™t, but the masonry renderer on the plugin might be considered by some as a little more ā€˜elegantā€™ as it is animated, the Theme Componentā€™s Tiles view is not.

On balance I personally prefer the Theme Component because it is lighter weight, uses much less javascript in the Tiles mode and quicker.


Thanks for the detailed answer.
Can you add the link to the theme component somewhere in the topic? It might be handy, I only found it here:


I am using TLP plugin. The portfolio button on the user card is not shown in mobile devices? Is there a setting to enable this?

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@merefield Weā€™re in the first 5 days of the month again! :tada: Are you aware of any issues with TLP and the latest Discourse version? Iā€™m ready to start testing again :slight_smile:


We are indeed. Iā€™m not aware of any serious breaking issues.


The upgrade went fine!


I have a small issue with the theme component.
Upon categories page loading (full app load, not just clicking on ā€œcategoriesā€), I have a js error:

GET 404


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Have you a setting missing a tag?

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