Homepage Feature

:discourse2: Summary Homepage Feature features up to 5 topics with images on your community’s homepage.
:eyeglasses: Preview Preview on Discourse Theme Creator
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/discourse/discourse-homepage-feature-component
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Install this theme component


By default the theme will feature the 3 most recent topics tagged featured and will pull in the first image from the topic. In the settings you can choose a custom tag, hide the tag, set a custom title, and configure where the component appears.

:iphone: Mobile & small screens

By default it will drop topics until there is only left on mobile.

You can change this default behaviour by turning on show all always. This will show make the component horizontally scrollable on smaller screens (< 1000px).
On the smallest screens (< 600px) you have the option to stack the topics instead, by changing the mobile style setting.


Name Description
featured tag
number of topics Display up to 5 topics at max-width
hide featured tag When enabled the tag “featured tag” set above will be invisible to normal users when viewing topics.
show on
show for
make collapsible Make the entire component collapsible
show title displays the text set below (title is always shown when make_collapsible is on)
title text sort by created
show all always By default the amount of shown topics is decreased with the screen size, down to only 1 on mobile. Checking this setting will show all on any screen size.
hide closed topics Hide closed topics from the featured topic list
always link to first post Always link to the first post in the topic, even if it has been read before
mobile style If show_all_always is checked, the topics will be shown via a horizontal scroll by default. You can change this behaviour on smaller screens, and choose to stack them on anything smaller than 600px.
featured content position Advanced theme development: this changes the plugin outlet for the component
Translation Default

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-12T23:33:59Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

guys this is epic! Huge thx. It would be amazing addition to core

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“Featured Topics” in the mobile version shouldn’t be plural.


This is lovely. Although I already use the Featured Topic Component, but this is not a bad idea too.

A suggestion, though: How about you make this component work with links too and not just tag? Maybe then can we link the contents to be sourced from maybe categories and/or top (to stand for trending) IMHO. With this, one can have the Trending topics feature on the homepage; like Reddit has. What do you think about this @awesomerobot?

Great component, thank you! A little feature request: It would be great, if you could adjust the number of topics on desktop/mobile and also show the author of the post beneath the image…


I thing is add slide for ship topic because in mobile we can see one topic only.

To button for ship topic.

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Maybe your topics don’t have a image?

Amazing component.It gives a nice look to homepage. Would it be possible to showcase also 3 topics on mobile? Maybe with a slider? And also,would it be possible to showcase also featured topics by category?


Very nice component :+1:.

I second the suggestion of having the author somewhere. Would also be nice to:

  • have the link on the image to always go to the most recent post (like the one in the title)
  • able to choose an alternative layout like the variant in one of the posts above, the latest created topic on the left with smaller ones on the right
  • able to hide the component title when an empty title is chosen
  • having an horizontal scrolling on mobile (either by small icons below or side arrows) to be able to have the three or four topics available

I found a bug with how this component interacts with user cards.

For some reason, the user cards don’t seem to be aware that the component is adding page height.

Here is a screenshot from the theme previewer, when I click on a user profile the card comes up. As you can see the user card seems to be unaware of the featured topics:

I’ve taken several stabs at fixing this but I’m not sure why the height of the component isn’t being taken into account when calculating user card positioning.



I’ve just made an update that fixes it.


The way I had it previously was interfering with some margin collapse… which threw off our top positioning calculation for user-cards… it’s briefly covered here: Mastering margin collapsing - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN, this was related to “No content separating parent and descendants.”


Awesome theme add-on!

Would it be possible to randomize the rotation? I’ve set it to display 2, and it show the two threads that have the most recent activity.

Hi @awesomerobot this theme component is amazing. However, I would like to know if it’s possible that in the mobile version it doesn’t appear just 1, but a slider of the 3 featured themes that you can see in the main page. i think it gives a nice look to the main page. It would also be great if it was possible to add featured themes on each category page? Hopefully you can give some feedback and thanks a lot for this!


I’ve managed to do some CSS tricks and now in mobile I can scroll it! but only vertical, i don’t know how it could be in horizontal :smiley:

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Awesome component!
Only thing is that on my forum, on mobile, it appears to have too much space below featured content.

So, can I fix that somehow or is it way to at least disable it on the mobile view?


Thanks for this, it is really nice.
Is there anyway we can actually make the mobile show the 3 in a slider mode?|

Another awesome feature might be if you go inside a category or tag it can actually filter your “featured” tags and show them particularly for that tag or category.

Either way this is really awesome. Thank you.

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That’s strange, I don’t see that much space on my end… is it possible you have other themes installed that could be causing it? (also as a side note that looks like desktop view at mobile with, not mobile view)

Here’s my test with no other themes enabled:

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Yesterday we had some thumbnails show up very nicely from 3 posts (2 of the post did not include images but rather a YouTube video) the system however had extracted the thumbnail and all was good.

Suddenly today the thumbnails are no longer appearing for the two posts that had the YouTube video. Is there a known problem here?

I’m not aware of an issue, but I did not test this component with embedded video. I’ll take a look and see if there’s anything obvious happening.