Topic List Previews (legacy)

I think the above changes were for the Theme Component, but the styling bug - due to changes in the core app - is also in the (legacy) plugin?

Put another way, I just updated as a test, and the topic list isn’t “low-lighting” the visited titles with the plugin after a rebuild.

Is the plug in likely to be updated at this point, or is the Theme Component the only way forward?

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As per the OP and Topic List Previews (legacy) - #1547 by merefield the plugin is no longer supported and hasn’t been for some weeks.


I was using this plugin.

Will need to upgrade to the theme component.

Does it conserve the plugin adjustments or do I have to configure all of it again? (it has been working for so long that I don’t know what we have adjusted in the plugin).

Should i first remove the plugin in app.yml and recreate discourse and then install the TC?
Or the opposite: first intall TC and then delete the plugin?

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There’s no migration path, I’m afraid

Installation of the Theme Component and configuration is easy enough though.

Read: Which one to install: Plugin or TC? - Topic Previews - Pavilion

Yes, remove the old link from app.yml and replace with Theme Sidecar as directed in the link I provided.


Thank you, I am in it.

You have to do it someday, so let it be today.

It seems there are more or less the same options (well there are more) so it won’t be difficult, I guess.
Thank you.

Uff, I tried to configured it as it was previously, with just a thumnail of the first photo to the left of the thread (no tiles or other things) but it did not work
It seems that too much things have changed from the plugin version.

I will have to study how it works now, because it has created tiles for many categories that we don’t use, and I cannot see the thumbnail of photos in the thread in categories and pages with had configured.


Please don’t Post here, post on the new Topic.