Topic List Thumbnails seems to break titles on mobile

Here is what our mobile view looks like when topic list thumbnails is enabled:

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Which settings do you have this component set to? Is this a recent thing as well?

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We just enabled this theme component yesterday.

		"setting": "default_thumbnail_mode",
		"value": "none"
		"setting": "docs_thumbnail_mode",
		"value": "none"
		"setting": "blog_style_categories",
		"value": "125|59|61|60|71|70|98|62|100|127"
		"setting": "minimal_grid_categories",
		"value": ""
		"setting": "grid_categories",
		"value": ""
		"setting": "masonry_categories",
		"value": ""
		"setting": "list_categories",
		"value": ""
		"setting": "blog_style_tags",
		"value": ""
		"setting": "minimal_grid_tags",
		"value": ""
		"setting": "grid_tags",
		"value": ""
		"setting": "masonry_tags",
		"value": ""
		"setting": "list_tags",
		"value": ""
		"setting": "suggested_topics_mode",
		"value": ""
		"setting": "enable_outside_topic_lists",
		"value": false
		"setting": "placeholder_icon",
		"value": "comments"
		"setting": "mobile_thumbnails",
		"value": true
		"setting": "list_thumbnail_size",
		"value": 200

Thanks, I found the issue. Your site’s theme is styling some of these areas, overriding some of that theme components styles. I will scope the theme down to be in effect when the topic list thumbnail component isnt being used on a category.

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Thank you!

Ok so I looked into this. It is not a bug, but an issue with your theme and it’s compatibility with this specific theme component.

Your current them manipulates the topic list a fair amount, and this component does the same. So there are a good bit of conflicting styles fighting each other here.

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