Topic preview of pinned topic disappears

I visited General to check that the preview is shown there. Then I clicked the logo to return to the latest posts. The preview was still there. However, when I refreshed the site, the preview disappeared.

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Hmm yes, I can reproduce the issue… it seems like something is going wrong with topic excerpts.

If I open an incognito window and go to

I get no excerpt at all on that pinned topic.

Then if I go to General from there, I get an excerpt on About the General category:

If I refresh on the General category, both excerpts will appear:

and if I return to /latest it remains

until I refresh

So it seems that perhaps excerpts are only available when within a category? seems like a new bug to me (will re-categorize)

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Thanks @Moin and @awesomerobot. This will be taken care of via


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