Topic Ratings Plugin

On this page left side you see Ratings click it. But first enable it.


Nobody else needed to bypass the min post length setting for ratings-enabled topics?

The idea is to allow the reply to omit a post body if a rating is set. I’ll eventually take a shot creating a plugin just for it, but if anyone else solved a similar problem and can share how, that’d be great.


ok thanks now i have configured it, @fzngagan i am having an error Invalid object type for field "itemReviewed" on Google rich snippet test, when i try to add a topic rating on a topic which is basically a Recipe type, what am i doing wrong?

The URL where i am having this issue is on How to make Buttermilk - How To Discuss

I want 2 things:

  1. For the topic author to rate a topic/recipe about how easy this recipe is and how fast or long is it.
  2. I also want forum users who are reading a Recipe to vote for the Recipe easyness and tastyness etc.
  3. I want Google rich snippet to be validated soo my topics can be shown as stars in SERPs search engines.

Please help me what am i doing wrong?


Can see temporarily here :


I’ll take a look in the weekend.


thanks @fzngagan, you can see commit of @Bcat he has fixed this bug but these changes r not live on plugin yet. Once you get it done by weekend, please let me know I can test again.


He’s not confident that the changes are general enough for the plugin.

I need to research about the correct metadata tags required.


that would be awesome, many thanks for your help in adding


Guys the support is already on. I just tested on the latest discourse and the plugin works fine.

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I’m getting the rating snippet reviewerror in my Google search console. did u fix this? I will check


I’ve created a feature request Correct meta for multiple ratings - Feature Requests - Pavilion
and assigned myself to it. :slight_smile:


Sounds good faizan. @Bcat also did a fork and fixed it and he is confident it’s working fine but u know best, so u can also do it your way it will be best to validated in Google structure data. thanks for helping.


I’ve just pushed a few fixes which should make the metadata google happy and the data more accurate. Do check and get back.

@Bcat I think my version is more accurate because aggregateRating should have its parent as CreativeWork and not CreativeWorkSeries as per the official doc. Also, its better to rely on the actual repo instead of a fork.


Is google happy with the changes? Feedback welcome :slight_smile: @Faizan_Zahid

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@fzngagan i have just updated the plugin and tested on this topic, i still see the same error. My rating topic is How to make Buttermilk - How To Discuss

and when i put it on google search console i see the same error,

I also see lots of warnings too on same above link of google.

Am i setting up the rating types wrongly or what am i doing wrong? My goal is for my users to see the rating snippets on google search results when they see my website. Like i see for other recipe sites,

But receipes are just examples, my topics could be on any niche and ratings can be given on any niche, the stars should show relevant to the page content on google search results.


Hi, thanks @Faizan_Zahida and all the rest for your support.
I finally found how to rank the posts. however, fundamentally I am needing any user, registered or not, to be able to assess the contents. Is this possible?

Thank you very much.


@Gustavo_Papasergio1 yes its possible for me, u can send me URLs to test, i will check them in google search rich snippet test tool.

Can you explain me how did u fix the star rating error in schema .org ? and how google is ranking u? show me URLs example please.


Hi @Faizan_Zahid

I think there is a misunderstanding due to my poor level of English. I meant that I was able to get work rankings in all categories of my communiy, Althought definitely couldn’t create the rich snippet for ratings shows in Google SERP. However I think a possible solution to your problem can be solved here

Unfortunately I am not a great coder, so I am still a bit lost on how to start modifying the plugin.

I hope I have not caused you false expectations.
Greetings and apologies.


thanks @Gustavo_Papasergio1 this guide will be best helpful for @fzngagan, ad you can see this URL has rich snippet working perfect for rating in google

but my topics are breaking due to a little bug in Discourse rating plugin. i hope @fzngagan can look into this i eeven updated the rating plugin but i still see same error on my rich snippet test :slight_smile:

URL which has incorrect rating error by google is Essential organic oil - HowToDiscuss


Thanks you @Faizan_Zahid, other suggestion to @fzngagan is a option to add a check box that allows users not connected to the community to rate the content.

This is especially useful for understanding the quality of the content. Since only between 5 and 10% of users who browse a community connect with a username and password. Therefore, almost 90% of users do not have the possibility to assess the quality of the content.

Thanks to all and sorry for my basic english.