Topic Ratings Plugin

I’m aware of the fail. The problem here is, when you have multiple rating types I’m trying to figure out the structure of the schema markup.

I’m experimenting with this tool


@fzngaganI can imagine the complexity of the rich text results because also google changes the specifications quite often. As for the non-connected users to be able to evaluate the contents, perhaps choosing only one to be public and the rest only for the logged-in ones. Not necessarily all have to be public.
Thank you very much for the reply.


I searched through this topic but didn’t find any mention of this; is there any possibility of making the rating required when replying to a topic?


Not currently. You can request the feature on the Pavilion instance.


API event bug:

If you create a new post with ratings or edit a post with different ratings, the post_edited or post_created events doesn’t use the new values but the old ones.

On new post with valid ratings, the event will have an empty ratings value.
On post edition, if you change from rating 5 to rating 2, the event will contain a ratings value with 5

It happens either using Discourse directly or using the API.

Here a small video on edition:

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Ok, taking a look whether I can repro it.

It looks like this is the older version of the plugin as I can’t see any rating criterion next to the stars.

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When I posted my previous message, it was up to date, you can see it in my previous screenshot. e3ee07f

I’ve checked again throuhg the UI, and +2 commits have added since then, some hours ago.

But this doesn’t seem to include any relevant code changes to the issue (only spec related).

As far I can see, it’s up to date. I can try later to rebuild the app if for some reasons the plugin did not get properly updated (?).

If you need more info, feel free to ask.

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Can you send a screenshot of this page of your site /admin/plugins/ratings?

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I thought I mixed the production Discourse and my testing (= not local, on another vps) DIscourse, but both have the same version.

My test above has been made on my testing Discourse, so settings are like:

Actually, I did not test if it happens on the production Discourse (will check in a moment, EDIT: it happens too, event doesn’t contain updated ratings)

Settings for production Discourse:

EDIT: rebuilding didn not help.

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Wondered where I could check the example.
Should I see ratings here? I’m logged in on the forum.


Is this plugin no longer working? @fzngagan @angus


I’ll take a look in some time.

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Looks good to me. Can you tell us the specific issue?

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Hello @fzngagan :slightly_smiling_face: There is an error with Topic Rating and the new reply filtering system. If try to use posts in topic function on user card it won’t show results. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


the rating isnt shown even in example you provided in here:

and I cant find the option to enable rating for a category.

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Any news about the issue posted one month ago: Topic Ratings Plugin - #353 by Arkshine ?
I’ve upgraded everything and it still happening.


Looks like a conflict coz I cant repro the issue since you reported it.

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I’ve rebuilt with only this plugin and no components enabled.

post creation with ratings → ratings empty.
post edition without ratings → ratings shows the previous value

I don’t think I’m hallucinating. I did test on a client (production) Discourse as well, and it happens too.

What am I supposed to do now, any ideas?



Launched a small VPS with a fresh and classic Discourse installation.
Everything is default except the adding of ratings plugin. I can’t do more basic than that.

I’m puzzled how you can not reproduce this! Did I miss something or did horribly wrong?

You can check/test yourself: Admin / b4HuH8u6CyKbDdJ
VPS will be destroyed in few days.


I’m taking a look at this one now.