Topic Ratings Plugin

Our free support period is outlined in the OP. Generally we aim for compatibility then.

Thanks for the report.

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I’ll be honest, that video is a bit confusing.

I’ve found one issue, a call to a deprecated resize method that needs updating to its replacement.

Are you sure the other errors are due to ratings plugin?

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OK I’ve merged a PR to fix that method, and had a little scoot around the app, seemed ok? Although I do see a couple of deprecation warnings that may need addressing soon … I’ll try to clean those up soon.

Let me know if any other breaking issues. I can’t guarantee I will get to them before the support period.


Seems like another error popped up, so I will disable the plugin until the support period arrives and it gets fixed.

Thanks :slight_smile:

What error? Please include console and /logs output

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Hello Robert,

This is the topic about this issue.

I checked it and there is no error on console or /logs

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey guys,

We’ve just merged a PR to resolve several issues and make Ratings compatible with drafting.

  • NEW FEATURE: stores and retrieves ratings to and from drafts
  • FIX: resolves an issue where type names were not repainted on Topic header when post rating updated
  • FIX: resolves an issue where composition of a new Topic generates an exception because post attribute can be initially null.
  • FIX: resolves an infinite loop when confirming if to reply to original topic or currently presented one
  • COMPATIBILTY: Resolves various core compatibility issues and deprecations to clear out the browser warnings on the Topic page.

As this was a fair amount of changes and this plugin sadly lacks unit tests at this stage, I’d be most grateful for feedback.

Sorry this took a while, moving Ember Computed Properties to getter/setters introduced new issues that needed to be tracked down.

@darkpixlz @Don


Nice plugin.

Potential Bug 1:
Saving a new tag-types row displays an infinite busy circle, though it saves the details. One has to click on something else and come back to the Ratings screen.

Potential Bug 2:
With Air theme, the excerpt for rating topics in mobile view is displayed above the topic title, while the normal for any other topic is below the title.

Feature Request 1:
Option to restrict rating only to the author, i.e., the first post, to post site’s official reviews

Feature Request 2:
Ratings to be marked up, for google to pick up and display the ratings in search


Hello @Chandra,

Thanks for the feedback. I was able to reproduce the first bug.
I will take a look next week.


Thank you @jumagura, I hope you will be able to spare a look at your convenience.

I also wanted to draw your attention to this one below, based on a google search console notice I received. Aligning ratings to google markup will be a game changer for google rankings, so please consider it.

Google Notice:

Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 1 Review snippets structured data issue(s). The following issues were found on your site. We recommend that you fix these issues when possible to enable the best experience and coverage in Google Search.

Top critical issues*

Rating is missing required best and/or worst values

*Critical issues prevent your page or feature from appearing in search results.


Additional information on google search console errors are here. Thank you.


Too Many Errors on Google Webmaster tools

Here is My Forum -


Hi @Chandra and @Michael_Smith2

This PR should solve take care of Google Webmaster tools errors. It’s already merged

Thanks for the feedback and the patience.
Let me know if any other breaking issues arise.


Super thanks for your attention and effort. Will check it out.


This is a great plugin! I’m trying it out for a novel solution to a rank elements of storytelling in someone’s scene or chapter that they’re writing. Issue that pops up is that the names seem to pile up in the reply window and make it impossible to type any text. Is there any way to have them go side by side instead of a carriage return between?

HI @Fred_Koehler,

Thanks for the feedback. I will reproduce the problem and find a solution for that.
I will take a look next week.


Where can I see this plugin in action?

I had the worst time figuring out how to enable ratings on a post. From the README:

Topics can be designated as ‘for rating’, by being posted in a category with ratings setting on (see below), or by being given the tag ‘rating’.

I couldn’t determine what “see below” referred to and I wonder if something is missing. I tried creating a rating tag, but that’s not working at this point. Meanwhile I followed the advice from this post:

Good to know those options exist, but it didn’t help me enable ratings:

It took me an embarrassingly long time to find the settings for enabling ratings on a tag or category: /admin/plugins/ratings.

I’ve created a PR, but it probably needs to be fleshed out a bit more.

Thank you for that feedback - but the plugin does adhere to the de facto standards where

  • all site settings for a plugin can be accessed by going to Admin - Plugins, looking up the plugin and clicking its Settings button?

  • all advanced settings are accessible by going to Admin - Plugins and then looking for the plugin name in the second menu bar

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I didn’t know that this was some sort of standard and I use that menu bar almost every day. (It’s the Data Explorer menu bar in my mind.)

Looking again, I see that the RSS Polling Plugin is there and I configured that at some point. My guess is that I was helped by the excellent documentation.

Given this is a sort of a standard, would it not be helpful to have a link to the advanced settings next to the site settings link? It wasn’t at all hard to find the other settings and it left me thinking I’d found all that existed rather than just half the settings (and none that I needed to get started).