Translations of AI helper

On my forum, and here, the number one feature is fast edit. But nowadays the strong second place goes to translation of AI helper.

Everyone sees right away that even english is my so called second language it isn’t exacly my the strongest point. I’m from times where we learnt oxford english to book hotel rooms, but never to use language. And rest came from americans sitcoms. Meaning there, or here, is everyday situation where I just can’t remember a word in English, or its proper spelling.

That leads to I’m using practically every day translator of AI helper.

It would be even better, if there would be second option where word or piece of text would be translated to user’s interface language — well, that wouldn’t change too much for me here, because my setting is English. And I can use custom prompt.

Everywhere is high hype how AI would cure cancer or start an apocalypse (please… maybe then they can count 1+1 right) but I think such small actions that make living a bit easier and the world smaller are better use of AI.

But I have a dream that someday AI could fix and help to use prepositions in proper way :rofl: