Try out the new sidebar and notification menus!


But like others, I agree that by default the categories should be listed in the same order as on the forum overall. It’s a little bit of a deterrent for me as it focuses my attention -my eyes always go up the list…- on categories that I don’t prioritize, or aren’t prioritized by the forum (through admin settings or activity).

Seconding this.
Also because my own use of tags on one of my forums is customized (tags and inputs are hidden overall except for 1 category :smile:)

After using it a bit, I still don’t have a definitive opinion. Plus things are changing. A few things bother me.
But I looked at the old hamburger menu on my forum and… I realized that the only purpose I had for it was to click the admin button. I almost forgot that it had other options in it, my brain simply ignored them for a long time.
In the current state, I can say that the new menu seems a real improvement.