Enable tagging only in some categories

Sorry, it seems that I didn’t see your message in 2020!

Anyway, my code broke after a recent Discourse update. Here’s a working update (the CSS doesn’t change though):

Target the category classes on which you want to hide the tag selector:

body:not(.category-other-languages):not(.category-trading-post) {
    .category-breadcrumb .tag-drop {
        display: none;

The script that will dynamically toggle the tag selector:

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8.23">
    // show tag chooser in the composer only when necessary
    const discourseComputed = require("discourse-common/utils/decorators").default;
    const EmberObject = require("@ember/object").default;
    function toggleTagChooser(display = "hide") {
        if (display == "show") {
            document.getElementsByClassName("mini-tag-chooser")[0].style.display = "block";
        // Verify the existence of the tag choser
        let tagChoser = document.getElementsByClassName("mini-tag-chooser");
        if(tagChoser.length > 0) {
            tagChoser[0].style.display = "none";
    api.modifyClass('controller:composer', {
        @discourseComputed("model.category", "model.tags", "lastValidatedAt")
        tagValidation(category, tags, lastValidatedAt) {
            // custom code to toggle the tag choser
            if(category != null) {
                if (
                    category.allow_global_tags == true ||
                    category.allowed_tag_groups.length > 0 ||
                    category.allowed_tags.length > 0
                ) {
            // end of the custom code
            const tagsArray = tags || [];
            if (this.site.can_tag_topics && !this.currentUser.staff && category) {
                // category.minimumRequiredTags incorporates both minimum_required_tags, and required_tag_groups
                if (category.minimumRequiredTags > tagsArray.length) {
                    return EmberObject.create({
                        failed: true,
                        reason: I18n.t("composer.error.tags_missing", {
                            count: category.minimumRequiredTags,
                        lastShownAt: lastValidatedAt,