Trying discourse and plugins for github

Hey there I want to try out discourse forum being a moderator not admin I don’t want to be admin on it just mod any ideas on how I can do it.

and secondly on GitHub I want to add some plugins but I don’t really understand the provided topic on installing can I get some pictures on where to put it and what code I would like a nice bit of pixs

If you are on a free trial or on the Starter plan o free plan, you cannot install plugins, only Theme Components.

IIRC the first account (you) is an admin account. You can create a new account and give it Moderator status by going to the user’s profile and click on the Admin wrench.


Yes as @NateDhaliwal said if you’re not self hosted you cannot install plugins Hosted plans tiers have listings for what plugins they come with pre installed for use. That being said you can disable(not use( plugins within your plan

And if you want to be able to install plugins you need to be self-hosted and have an admin account with server root access.

If you are hosting with Discourse, you can’t “download” it, in that sense.
Also, hosting with Discourse is a no-frills thing. You don’t have console access, so you can’t install plugins.
Additionally, free Discourse hosting plans aren’t available for everyone to choose. You have to meet certain criteria to get it.

ok but what im trying to say is on the git hub version of discourse how do i add soem plug ins

In the repository? You can’t. That’s just the source code. To install plugins, you can either do a self-host using a standard install, or host with Discourse for a limited access to plugins (but is easier to set up).


oh okay makes sense

and on git hub I use the self hosting version that’s how I want to know

You’ll want to do a standard install:


Oh that yeh I haven’t done that because I cant do digital ocean because I don’t have any money for it

I use GCP (Google Cloud) server on an e2-micro server size. Works okay, but is fairly slow. Rebuilds take hours, but it’s free.

Okay thanks nate but do you thunk you can send the link here so I can do it and is there going to be other things that cost money?

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Perhaps we should bring this to a new topic?

Sure i can make it i need a topic name though

You can reply as linked topic. In the reply modal, click the reply icon at the top-left > Reply as linked topic. Place it in Installation > Hosting?