Turn off notifications of flagged post removed?


Does anyone know if there’s a way to turn off PM notifications of flagged post removals please? Most flagged removed posts are watch words flagged by the system, which are automatically “inappropriate”. However these watch words relate to self harm and suicide. So people who have made these posts are getting an insensitive PM from the system calling their posts inappropriate before we’ve gotten in touch with them with support links.

I can’t find it in settings anywhere - can anyone help please?

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Hey @MyRedDream
Welcome to Meta :wave:

Would it work for you to change the wording, so the message no longer says that the post is inappropriate?

Or is it important that no automatic message is sent at all?


It would be best if no message was sent at all, as we always contact users with a custom message if we’ve removed their post. But in the absence of that if the wording could be changed. I had a look in text customisations but could only see the title of the message and not the body.

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Instead of flagging watched words. Why not use block? This will prevent the words in question from being used.

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Then there is no way to find out that the user needs help.

I wonder if “approve” would work better than “flag” :thinking:


Yes require approval likely better if a mod needs to be notified

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We don’t have 24/7 moderation and the watch words pick up really innocuous stuff too (eg “hanging basket” would be picked up). And because Discourse doesn’t discriminate between PMs and threads, it would require approving PMs and cause untold problems. We don’t moderate PMs at all unless one is flagged to us by a user.


Hmm… you may need to consider sponsoring a plugin in Marketplace if core doesn’t have an option to switch watched words off in pm

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My community is a charity so not gonna happen I’m afraid!


If you enable encrypted PMs then that might correct that problem.

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We need to be able check PMs for safeguarding purposes so I can’t do that.

Approval also doesn’t solve any issues.

Is there no way to change the text of the notification PM, if I can’t switch it off?


There is, as I said before.
Usually searching for specific parts of the message works quite well to find the text you want to customize.

So you can search for the title “Flagged post removed by staff” to find the text you want to customize and then search for a part of the body like “This post was flagged by the community and a staff member opted to remove it.” to find system_messages.flags_agreed_and_post_deleted.text_body_template. Keep in mind that those texts are used for all flag types. The {flag_reason} is replaced by one of the flag_reasons texts. The most important one for you is flag_reasons.inappropriate.