Unable to confirm alternate email


I want to add an alternate email to my account, but I am unable to do so since it fails with this error message whenever I click on the Authenticate with Security Key on the confirm email page:

You supplied invalid parameters to the request: Discourse::InvalidParameters

As you can tell, my account is secured by a physical security key. Someone else got this issue? The link is from the email I received right after adding my alternate email.

This is happening on elixirforum.com, which is running Discourse. I have no idea which version though… I’m not an admin on there.


Just ran into the same issue on Discourse Meta (the current forums) when I use security key to authenticate the email address change. It doesn’t happen if I use a 2FA code though. Haven’t tested with backup codes.


Yes, I just gave it a try on Meta and see the same issue. When clicking “Authenticate with Security Key” I get brought to this page, looks like there’s a 400 error

Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 9.17.11 AM


Thanks for the report @dmarcoux and @avy. I just merged a fix for this issue, which should be live on Meta within the hour


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