Unable to confirm alternate email (redux)

Using a 2FA-enabled account (security key), I’m unable to add an additional email address to my profile.

When clicking the “Authenticate with Security Key” button on the confirmation page, an error message is shown: You supplied invalid parameters to the request: Discourse::InvalidParameters.

This issue has been reported in relation to our self-hosted instance at forum.torproject.org, but I was also able to reproduce right here on meta.

The issue was previously reported and subsequently fixed: Unable to confirm alternate email


Thanks for reporting, we will have a look.

May be somewhat related to new passkey support @pmusaraj added recently.

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I can reproduce on meta and locally as well. From a quick look, it doesn’t look related to passkeys but rather a similar regression to the one @david fixed the last time.

Before pressing the “Authenticate with Security Key” button, I see JS errors:

Uncaught Error: Could not find module `discourse/loader-shims` imported from `(require)`
    at missingModule (loader.js:247:1)
    at findModule (loader.js:258:1)
    at requireModule (loader.js:24:1)
    at eval (i18n:1:1)
    at en.js:1:1


loader.js:247 Uncaught Error: Could not find module `discourse/lib/ajax` imported from `discourse/lib/webauthn`
    at missingModule (loader.js:247:1)
    at findModule (loader.js:258:1)
    at Module.findDeps (loader.js:168:1)
    at findModule (loader.js:262:1)
    at Module.findDeps (loader.js:168:1)
    at findModule (loader.js:262:1)
    at requireModule (loader.js:24:1)
    at eval (bootstrap:3:3)
    at eval (bootstrap:4:3)
    at bootstrap.js:1:1

Can you have a look, @david?


@lavamind this has now been fixed by @david via DEV: Update confirm-email flows to use central 2fa and ember renderin… · discourse/discourse@283fe48 · GitHub, I’ve just tested it on meta and it works well. Thanks for the report.


Thanks. I upgraded our instance and indeed, the email confirmation dialog now works.


Nice, thanks for the quick test and confirmation!


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