Unable to install on ubuntu

I’m running ./launcher rebuild app and I end up getting this error:

fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/discourse/discourse.git/': Could not resolve host: github.com

I’m following this install guide.

Can your machine access github.com @KingEZFLOW? Docker doesn’t seem to be able to do so.

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My machine can access github, as I’ve downloaded files from github to my server before.

Could you check if it currently can access GitHub, and if it can try again?

Perhaps see previously:
My server can access github, but docker can’t

That’s a bit of a different error, no? That one threw a handshake error, here it just says it can’t be resolved.

Ah yes, sorry. But there are more like this:
Cannot start, “no docker.io” and cannot resolve github.com
./discourse-setup: could not resolve host: github.com