Unable to quote multiple paragraphs or anything across different HTML tags

FYI our forums which have this problem don’t use any additional plugins other than the default docker_manager plugin. We aren’t doing anything fancy.

This problem occurs whether using the default theme or a custom one. It’s happening consistently, so I can always repro it on our site – definitely not random.

What could prevent the Quote button from appearing whenever the selected text shifts over any formatted text (italics, bold, etc)? Even including just one letter of italicized text in an otherwise non-italicized selection makes the button not appear. But if the text is all italics, the Quote button appears normally. Same goes for bold text or for text that uses any HTML formatting changes.

So it looks like the button won’t appear if the selection includes any HTML transitions like for paragraphs and formatting.

Any recent changes made in the code that controls that feature or other code related to parsing text that includes HTML?

This feature worked normally for years, and the bug seems to have been introduced (or activated) within the past week or so.

I don’t think this is plugin or theme related, but it might be related to certain settings. Any ideas which settings to try tweaking that could affect this feature?


No idea. If we’ve ruled out browsers, plugins, and themes, then we’re completely dead in the water. Those are the usual culprits.

(And you can repro this in Firefox, or Edge, or some other browser you don’t normally use, with all default settings?)

We also have zero reports of this problem from our hosted customer base that I know of.

Unless someone can come up with a set of repro steps here on meta or try, there’s nothing we can do.

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Meta does have some non-standard settings around the select quoting, with the Share button. Might that be related?


Possibly, try changing it and see what happens.

(also, unlikely, as I can’t repro this on try which doesn’t have that setting enabled)


Could it be something to do with the dual purpose Quote / Share options used on meta?

Are others using the Share option?

Just a thought.

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Unlikely, as try doesn’t have that, and I can’t repro there either. “Try” it yourself: try.discourse.org


Everything works on my forum (Discourse hosted). Here’s a screenshot of highlighting a single line and of multiple lines with bold formatting in one. I cannot replicate the problem.




Not sure if it is a related problem or not.
But apart from quoting, copying and pasting formatted text on my site will lose all formatting.

Totally unrelated, let’s keep this on topic please.

I think we would be much closer the solution if everyone who has this problem would describe in detail their settings, environment, what plugins uses, custom codes, logs, any error, etc. Then we can more easily see where there is a match. Otherwise, I think this topic is totally unnecessary. This issue maybe is something with your settings or plugin incompatibility.

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Same problem here on 2.6.0.beta3:

Edit: Quote button appears when I select just up to the space after the “also”:

If I select up to the “t” in “text”, and then go back to the space, no Quote button appears:


You don’t have the “share” button besides the “quote” one, like it’s the case here on meta (mentioned above in the discussion). Can you add that, to try to see how it goes then ? (I don’t know if it’s possible or how). The idea being to get closer to meta’s configuration, where it currently works.

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I have changed share quote visibility from “anonymous” to “all”.

Result: Same as before (plus the Share button), i.e. Quote button shows up before the link, but not when the link is included in the selection.


I have experienced another quoting problem, but this time on Meta as well as on the Fairphone forum, at 100% reproducible. I can’t quote closed topics, or more generally topics in which I am not allowed to post (such as posts in the #releases category on Meta), in a post I am writing on another open topic. Only the Share button appears. I recall being able to do this before. I have tried on another Discourse instance running an earlier version, and it works fine there.

Or is it perhaps intended?

I don’t know whether this should go in a new topic or whether we should make this one a general quoting issues topic. Feel free to move it.

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Does no one know about whether this is a bug or intended, and whether it could be related?

Edit: Hmm, just saw a topic about it: Regression: quoting text from closed topic


I’ve finally had some time to look into this further. It indeed seems to be a plugin issue. I stripped back plugins to just Docker and it’s working again.


Now just need to sleuth which plugin it is by elimination. Will report back shortly.


Apologies, wrong diagnosis. I have added back in all plugins and it’s still working.

When I rebuilt the app I did a git pull.

I can only assume that a more recent update fixed whatever was broken.

So this seems to be fixed :blush:


I can confirm git pull before ./launcher rebuild app solved the problem.
Thank you so much!


Yup, rebuilding the app fixed this issue.