Understanding the admin interface

:bookmark: This topic defines and explains essential terms and concepts that are or will be used as we continue to improve our admin interface.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrators

The different areas of the admin interface are labelled in this image, with detailed explanations below:


  • Admin (or Admin interface): Everything within the /admin url path. Designated for admin tasks and settings.
  • Admin sidebar: The primary navigation is located on the side and provides access to the main sections.

Admin sidebar

  • Sidebar section: Grouped links that are organized by category
  • Sidebar section toggle: A control element to expand or collapse the section’s links. First level nav.
  • Section links: Individual links within a sidebar section directing users to specific areas or pages. Second level nav.
  • Sidebar footer: The admin sidebar’s bottom section typically contains additional links or information.

Admin pages

  • Admin page: Includes breadcrumbs, headers, config area(s), and help inset. This is where related settings and configuration that share a third-level navigation can be accessed and modified.
  • Admin plugin page - Same as admin page, but for plugins.

Contains these sections

  • Breadcrumbs: Navigational aids that display the hierarchy of pages visited within the admin section
  • Page header: The top section of an admin page, containing the title, description, and optional call to actions (primary and secondary).
    • Page title: Title of the page
    • Page description: Intro or description of what the content covers. Can support links.
    • Primary action: Page title primary action
    • Secondary action: Page title secondary action button settings. Only shown if there is a primary action (btn-default).
  • Tabs: Provides access to deeper levels of settings or features.
  • Page content: The main area where settings, configurations, and other content are displayed and interacted with.
    • Config area: A specific area within the page content dedicated to settings and configurations.
    • Help/reference/inset: An area within the page content providing guides, documentation, or additional contextual information.

:information_source: This document will be kept up to date as the admin interface evolves.

Last edited by @hugh 2024-08-08T03:34:45Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-07-23T21:19:25Z

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