Undescriptive Twitter topic titles

We have a community where people post a lot of Tweets. When you paste a link to a Twitter post into the title composer field it pulls the username for the topic title.

This creates a lot of topics with undescriptive titles. I think this behavior should be changed for Twitter.

I would rather have no title (so that the user is forced to add one) instead of always have the undescriptive usernames grabbed as titles in this case.

So you are specifically referring to the behavior where the URL is pasted into the title field in the new topic composer?

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Yes, exactly. It’s good for almost all other sources, but for Twitter, it always pulls the username as the title for the topic. I would prefer either no title for Twitter (so users have to add one as Tweets do not have a proper title) or use the Tweet text and truncate (if too long) instead.

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I’ve made a PR to handle this case. Twitter links will leave the title field blank so users will need to enter their own title.



Thank you @neil, very much appreciated.

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It’s merged into the latest beta.