Unify review queue buttons

When going through the review queue, I frequently stumble over the actions:

  1. image
  2. image
  3. undefined
  4. image

It confuses me every time:

The first two dialogs are structured the same (in favor of user first, punishment second), but only the first one has the green/red coloring while the second is just grey.

The third dialog completely breaks with this pattern though: The option in favor of the user is second, the option for the punishment is first except “keep post” doesn’t come with a punishment while the third option has a contradictory “ignore flag and delete post”. It also is the only dialog to not offer the “delete user” and “delete and block user” options, which frankly is the option I need the most (as that’s the stuff that makes it past the anti-spam stuff)

As a fix I’d suggest:

  • Keep the order across all of these dialogs consistent: In favor of user first, punishment second, “other” options third.
  • Use consistent coloring (green in favor, red for punishment, grey for other)
  • Make the options more consistent (I believe “revise post” from 1 and “hide post” from 3 are the same mechanism and should be called the same, and aforementioned suspend/silence/delete/delete and block options kinda want to be available together)
  • Simplify the third dialog (“agree with flag but don’t delete” and “ignore flag but delete” sound like edge cases which don’t need to be supported to me).
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