Updates are available message when there are none

I am always getting this now. I did a rebuild of the app and it still appears.

Not critical I suppose, just new, and annoying to some extent.


I’ve noticed the same. If you go to Themes and Components you’ll probably find that there updates required. In the past this advice listed the affected themes and components below the message but that seems to have been lost in a recent update.


Ah. Indeed, that fixes it. Thanks.

But I think the message lacking the details is some kind of bug.


I saw this today too, also after updating core discourse.

Looking at the theme component list and filtering by updates available showed me which one needed updating. The “Sidebar Theme Toggle” theme component needed updating, and selecting the circular arrows glyph updated it. The message on the admin landing page went away.

I don’t know why this particular theme component was not successfully being updated when core discourse is updated, and did not see anything in the log.

I also don’t know why the messaging didn’t list the theme component specifically.

The message probably went away because you had no more updates needed. I updated that component but the message was still there because I had a theme update still needed. The message didn’t display what needed updating like it used to.