This theme (or component) msg doesn't go away

I used to have this theme/component earlier, but no longer.

I’ve updated my site thru ‘One Click Browser’ update.
I’ve rebuilt my ‘data’ and ‘web_only’ containers just now.

Also clicked the ‘Refresh’ button, showing just below the msg, many times.

But this msg is so adamant, it won’t go away.
What can I do to make it go away?

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Hmm… That is a theme-component did you disable it or delete it? If you only disabled it I believe it will still show the update prompt.

Though you might just have it as unused vs disabled.

From the theme-component menu in your site type the name in the filter on that page and it should show it.

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Hmmm similar issue was reported recently here

And considered resolved?

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As I wrote in OP, I used to have this theme/component earlier, but no longer.
So I can’t trace it in either theme or components.

@merefield the topic mentioned by you was closed after the OP found that updating the site solved the issue. But in my case updating the site thru one-click and thru rebuilding, didn’t help.

One thing that has just come to my mind, after @Heliosurge 's post, is that I should re-install the same component afresh, and then check. May be :slight_smile: it’d go away.
Will report.


Yeah wasn’t obvious to me what caused that earlier report and why it resolved


Especially since in that topic iirc (from earlier skim) you were able to repro it.


Re installing it and then deleting might get rid of the issue. Maybe something got left behind and is triggering it.

Something to check @merefield would have a better idea. But if your using a full theme that added that component it might be triggered by that even though you removed it. As many full themes package other components in the install.

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I tried to reinstall this very (though deprecated) theme from my web_only.yml file, but then I couldn’t rebuild, as it gave error.

And installing/uninstalling component didn’t solve it (as it seems to be a deprecated theme, not a component).

Can anyone suggest what could be done to cure this?


I’m not able to find this theme component, clicking on this ‘update msg’:

leads me to:



This link leads me to my themes page, whereas I can’t find any such theme or component installed on my website.

So I thought may be it was the (deprecated) plugin of similar name (my bad that in my prev post above, I wrote ‘theme thru yml file’, whereas I meant ‘Plugin thru Yml file’)

what happens when you click the “16 more”?

Obviously also check the Components tab and scroll down :+1:

Perhaps you can see where or what’s going wrong.

You scrolled very fast at the crucial moment, but I still caught it:


Try updating that.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: that’s why you people are on higher plane.

Anyway, I took no component serious enough, thinking that culprit is some theme, not any component.

Anyhow, I updated the component you said, but even after clicking on ‘Refresh’ the problem still is peeping on me:


Hello :wave:

It seems that theme component is removed if it fallback to /admin/customize/themes. I am not sure if you reinstall it will help because the id won’t be the same. Maybe something stuck here and show this update available.

However, if it’s stuck than maybe it indicates the update for wrong theme component too. I saw on your video the Last Seen theme component needs an update and it’s not indicated on your dashboard. It worth a try to update that component maybe it will fix it.

Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 18.00.56

Can you check /logs and browser console too? Maybe there are some relevant warning or error.



And before going. Discourse itself is so deep and wonderful product. How it creates/created the small ‘refresh’ icon to show that updates for this component are available!! Amazing!


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