Updating I get a "Configuring openssh-server" message about the "sshd_config" file

Every two months I usually follow these instructions for updating the forum.

In the next step I get a warning message

  1. As for Ubuntu updates, make sure you have automatic security updates enabled for your Ubuntu! The command is:
dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades

However, that just covers critical security updates. Every so often you should get all the OS updates like so:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

When I run the following command apt-get dist-upgrade

I got the following message

What should I choose? Thank you.

Keep the local, aka.your earlier edited version. There is no need to overwrite it just because of some minor editing of that template or because of changed version number.

That isn’t Discourse dependent thing, though. It is matter of servers.


Thank you, I did what you recommended.

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