Updating image URL's after a domain change

How can I go about updating image URLS in older posts? Having made a domain name change for the whole site, they now point to the old non-existent site.

This should do it:


That worked great. Except - I got three very uninformative errors:

Failed to remap post (topic_id: , post_id: 111)

Failed to remap post (topic_id: , post_id: 189)

Failed to remap post (topic_id: , post_id: 216)

Failed - why?

And some posts, whose ID I cant figure out (how do you do that, also?) have not been updated.

Check those identified posts manually to see what’s different. The url will be like /p/111 .

That is very useful to know. However, each of those post ID’s results in a 404 error when accessed this way. It would be good to know what’s going on with them.

They are most likely posts that were deleted earlier.

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