I have an instance with docker_discourse stuck at 1b83bcc. The next commit, in my reading, requires running ./launcher rebuild app from the SSH console. I am tempted to upgrade to the latest version from the admin UI and see what happens, but I do not have SSH access to the server, so I expect this upgrade to leave the site with a message to run the command line.
Am I right, and I need SSH access, or can I proceed and upgrade via the admin?
My understanding is that the expected_version will trigger a requirement to rebuild the Docker container from scratch to avoid dangling images.
Not having SSH to the server is an unsupported way to maintain Discourse as you will need to update the base image from time to time. I highly recommend you figure out how to get SSH access to the forums you maintain.
Yes, this would be the simple, straightforward, rational solution. But it entails a number of problems, including changing the domain name, etc. I’ve been trying to take it easy, give some time to the sysadmin, and have the community make a collective decision. These things are not always a question of solving a technical issue, the human factor is important to take into account.
What you propose is a last resort solution that might eventually be taken.