Uploaded figures dont show

Dear meta.discourse community,
I am trying to set up an instance of discourse on the local machine. I have used a Docker installation, together with apache2 on Ubuntu3.13. Everything seems to be running except of uploading pictures, both in the posts and e.g. profile pictures. I have checked the upload limits in apache2. I did check the trust levels and allowed extensions on the file. Im not using S3 for uploads.

Discourse informs me the upload was successful but after refreshing the figure doesn’t show. It is interesting though, I was able to upload the logos and background picture for my profile,
please help!

I’ve used all of my ideas.

Did you check the right of the directory ?

Thanks for your reply,
yeah Ive sent rights on /var/www/discourse,
unless there is another directory?

Can you link your discourse installation ?

You mentioned that you’re doing a Docker install on your local machine - is this intended for development or production?

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thanks a lot for your responses.
The problem turned out to be trivial (as usual I guess),
wrongly set the DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME variable in containers/app.yml

Thanks a lot!

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